Gojira: The Boston Terrier My name is Gojira aka Goji and I live with my human, Kimmy Laposky, at LionsHead Apartments in Omaha, Nebraska. I am a one and a half-year-old Boston Terrier. My Mom says I am the friendliest little pup who loves everyone. I was rescued from a puppy mill auction along with my brothers by the Mid America Boston Terrier Rescue. I enjoy spending my days sunbathing, doing tricks for treats and giving kisses.
I also have an Instagram account: @gojikingofbostons.
Tali: The Cat My name is Tali, and I live at Le Palais Apartments in Houston, Texas with my human, Rachel McCarn. My Mom says that I am a precious princess diva kitty. My favorite things are being brushed and relaxing in the window. I am also an explorer and like to jump up on top of the kitchen cabinets. I don’t care for company that much, so I’ve become a pro at
hiding from visitors!